Lyrics and Long Plays
Another disrupted week, but I tried to make the most of it (and along the way passed a milestone).
Feeling that last week's work on Ferox was slowing I decided to switch focus to another Dorian Zoyd work in progress, called Farthest Trex. I spent a session developing the track vertically with extra parts.
My midweek session was unable to take place in the studio. Instead, I was on a coach for a a few hours, so spent some time developing lyrics for the songs of this planned release. It ended up being fairly scattershot, but I did manage to lay down a new idea for a song.
Also during this week I finished a long-running project: digitalising a collection of LPs I acquired at an auction. As you can see from the picture, there were a lot of records (most of them were band music from the 30s/40s). And now they can be sent to the charity shop and I can use that shelf for something else.
(By the way, Don Estelle has a stunning voice.)