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Man and Maschine

Man and Maschine

4 August 2014

CreativePact (33 posts)

With the Native Instruments Maschine Studio as focal point, this year I will generate a new sonic idea each day, towards a post-Pact electronic music release.

Worldpulse, nearing Pact end


A return to atmosphericism today, with Worldpulse, a nice wooshy number that will compliment the non-beaty tracks created during the CreativePact.

There's not much of this Pact left now, and I feel that this one has been my best, marrying the consistency of my Pact in 2010 with a goal of greater depth. Certainly a new Pact strategy helped; I'll talk more about this in the epilogue next week.

Another thing to mention is my future with Maschine. I like the environment, though feel a bit more flexibility would be good, so will likely downgrade the Maschine Studio to a Mikro and use the spare dosh to get Ableton Live, which is more powerful as a DAW and can also integrate with Cycling 74's Max.